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PGT[A]Seq results are typically available 6 days after Juno receives the embryo biopsy samples (although results can take up to 10 days).

We aim to make working with Juno Genetics as easy as possible. Juno is committed to supporting the clinics it works with, providing guidance at all stages of the PGT process. We are available seven days a week to assist with queries or to provide advice. At Juno we appreciate that different clinics may have unique needs and our policy is one of flexibility, where we adapt to the specific requirements of each clinic. If your clinic already offers PGT in collaboration with another genetics laboratory, then it is likely that very few significant changes, if any, will be necessary. Please contact Juno Genetics and we will be happy to walk you through the enrolment procedure, provide all necessary documentation and answer any questions you might have. If your clinic is new to PGT, Juno can help by providing valuable information and documentation to get you started. Juno can also assist with training and evaluation of procedures, making sure that all elements of the PGT procedure are optimised and working well, prior to the launch of a clinical service. Please contact supportuk@junogenetics.com to begin working with Juno.

If the proportion of samples that fail to give a PGT result is consistently higher than expected, this is almost always due to a problem with technique used for the cell washing and loading or, less commonly, with the embryo biopsy method. Scientists at Juno Genetics have decades of experience working with clinics in order to achieve optimal PGT results and can assist with troubleshooting. Problems are almost always solved after simple and easy to implement changes to procedure.

Juno Genetics harnesses the power of the very latest DNA sequencing technologies to deliver a best-in-class test for chromosome abnormalities, called PGT[A]seq. Not only does PGT[A]seq measure the amount of DNA from each chromosome with unprecedented accuracy, allowing the number of copies of each chromosome to be determined in the embryo biopsy specimen, but it also detects thousands of variations in the sequence of the DNA from the embryo (known as polymorphisms). Juno was one of the first laboratories in the world to add polymorphism analysis to a PGT-A test. The extra information provided by DNA polymorphisms allows detection of important chromosome abnormalities that are invisible to other PGT-A methods, including triploidy, a common cause of miscarriage. Clinical studies have shown that the Juno PGT[A]seq method succeeds in providing valuable predictive information about an embryo’s capacity to produce a healthy birth, helping to avoid the transfer of abnormal embryos, which will fail to implant, miscarry or produce children affected by chromosomal abnormalities.

Many of the advanced PGT methods used by Juno Genetics are available nowhere else in the world. Consequently, it is necessary to send samples to the Juno laboratory (in Oxford, UK) in order to access the tests. In most cases, the time required for the shipping of samples, and for the complex laboratory procedures, means that embryos must be cryopreserved (vitrified) while the test is carried out. Embryos can usually be thawed and transferred during the following cycle.

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